Green House Monitoring

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Green House Monitoring


Stimulating marijuana growth with carbon dioxide (CO2) augmentation is known to enhance product quantity and quality. Although CO2 is a benefit, producing it can present dangers, if not properly implemented. But too much CO2 can endanger workers.

Burning propane to produce CO2 also adds the toxic component of carbon monoxide (CO). And, propane (or natural gas, if used) presents an explosion hazard if leaked or if a generator fails to ignite properly. Notice the rules for your patio propane grill -- Never store a propane tank inside your house or attached garage.

So, for controlling the CO2 generator, we supply our CO2BossTM carbon dioxide sensor and controller. But, for additional safety, we recommend adding FireBossTM carbon monoxide sensors and GasBoss combustible gas sensors to the mix.

While discussing gas sensors, we also need HotBossTM temperature sensors to monitor the ambient environment and control ventilation fans and heaters to avoid crop damage from overheating or frost.

Manage your greenhouse operations using the best detection technologies, and with a powerful and dependable computer to provide precise control and maintain archival records to help optimize your profits.

Large and small operations can be covered by Rel-Tek’s GreenBossTM computer systems using our most secure Linux-based software. Whether one sensor or a thousand, GreenBoss does a super job. High end features include real-time data acquisition and response; sensor data, alarm and control logging; touch-screen graphics; off site notification; and networking to remote terminals.

For more information, please download a pdf version from the link above. Thank you.

Equipment Needed

Central Processor(PC)
Outstation & I/O Boxes
Audio/Visual Alarms

Additional Equipment Avail.

Temperature Sensor
*Building Management Interface
*(Available upon request)

Green House Sites where our equipment is used:

Related Keywords: greenhouse temperature monitor, greenhouse temp monitor, greenhouse monitoring system, sensors in greenhouse, iot greenhouse, greenhouse monitoring, greenhouse temperature and humidity monitor, greenhouse co2 monitor, green house monitoring, greenhouse monitoring and control system, green house monitoring system, automated greenhouse monitoring system, smart greenhouse iot, smart greenhouse monitoring system, greenhouse control in iot, cannabis, cannabis dispensary Morgantown, cannabis dispensary, cannabis grow house, cannabis grow setup, cannabis grow facilities

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