Vehicle Leak Detetction

applicationsvehicle leak

Vehicle Leak Detection


Four full-spectrum combustible gas sensors are installed at potential fuel gas leakage sites on a bus or truck (engine, fuel tanks, valves, and cabin) to detect high levels of potentially explosive fuel gas. A compact cab-mounted control panel (8”x4”x3”) monitors the four sensors and alarms if any sensor reaches an alarm threshold. The wide spectrum sensors respond properly to essentially any combustible gas, including CNG, LNG, methane, ethane...(To read more download PDF above)

Equipment Needed

LDS Leak Detection System
Includes: LDS Controller
Combustible Gas Sensor

Additional Equipment Avail.

Automatic Calibration

Vehicle Leak Detection Sites where our equipment is used:

Related Keywords: gas leak sensor, natural gas leak sensor, gas leak alarm, natural gas leak alarm, propane leak alarm, automotive leak detection, automotive leak detector, bus leak detection

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